Bailey Art Studios is passionate about protecting nature as well as inspiring confidence in beginning artists.

Five percent of profits are donated to The Wilderness Society and The Sublette Conservation Advocates to aid in keeping The Great American West wild.

We also partner with local charities and businesses to host inspiring artistic workshops aimed at building self-confidence in the creative youth.

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About The Artist

Shauna Bailey is a lifelong creative inspired by her adventurous Wyoming cowgirl upbringing and love of outdoor exploration. The thirty year old impressionist painter takes pride in creating pieces that seamlessly integrate the fresh outside world with the serenity of minimalist architecture and design.

After almost a decade of directing high end children's parties and weddings, Covid-19 threw Shauna a curveball when it indefinitely shut down the event world and simultaneously lit fire under the real estate and interior design industries. Not one to challenge fate, she picked up her brushes and Bailey Art Studios LLC was formed.

Specializing in alla prima oil landscapes and minimalist acrylic abstracts, Shauna’s work is inspired by her love of historical artifacts, wild nature, earthenware textures, shifts in light, and fresh air.

She has successfully made her mark in the California, Wyoming, and Atlanta art industries by providing custom collections for contemporary homes. 5% of Bailey Art Studios profits go to aiding Wyoming conservation through the The Wilderness Society and The Sublette Conservation Advocates. Bailey Art Studios also works with local kids groups and beginning artists to help build confidence in creative endeavors.